Future C Shell Work: Code developed in a series of stages:
- write and test a parser to read the command
lines--this works
- get the simple commands to work--this works
- get I/O redirection to work--this works
- get pipes to work--this works for some cases but
not with 2nd command sent to an output file
instead of stdout
- get "&" to work--not implemented yet
- Parsing shell strings: in this project, you only
need to implement a simple command line parser, in
which we use "space" as the delimiter between
command "tokens".--this works
- You can use support libraries such as the Gnu
readline library for command line parsing.
- A multi-process version of the traveling salesman
problem, called tsp_p--future work.
- A multi-threaded version of the traveling
problem, called tsp_t, with an added
bonus of implementing it without the SYSV context
functions. Solutions that bind user level threads
with kernel threads are also a bonus, and using
pthreads or any other threads library is not the
approach to take, and instead, you create your own
threads. It was also recommended NOT to rely on
the Linux clone() call in the thread creation
solution, if at all. The solution can bind user
level threads onto user level threads, but you
still need to use a different approach for making
the portable user--level threads--future work.
- A sorter program, called tspsort, that
sorts the paths found in the traveling salesman
problem, from shortest path to longest path
Testing Involved In Future Work:
In myshell, run tsp_p < input_graph | tspsort >
tsp_p computes all possible paths through a graph
(G) of vertices (V) and edges (E).
- A path is defined as an ordered list of nodes
from a starting point, S, visiting all other
nodes in V exactly once, and then returning back
to S.
- a path distance is defined as the sum of all
edge weights between pairs of nodes in G visited
along a specific path each path along the route
with its overall distance will be the output to
stdout by tsp_p as it is discovered the
result is piped by “myshell” to stdin of
tspsort, which collects all paths and
orders them from shortest to longest distance
- In myshell, run tsp_t < input_graph | tspsort
> tsp_t.out, with the same goals with the thread version as above with the process version
Traveling Salesman Multi-Process Version--Future Work:
- Problem: The problem to be addressed is a
parallel implementation of the Travelling Salesman
Problem (TSP) on an input graph, G={V,E},
comprising a set of nodes or vertices, V, and a
set of edges, E. Your main program (called
tsp_p) is to be invoked as follows:
$ tsp_p
- It then reads an input graph from stdin. You can
assume the input graph, G has |V|=n vertices
representing different cities.
- The graph itself can be represented as an n*n
distance matrix, D,such that D[i,j] is the
distance between city i and city j.
- The diagonal of the matrix has distance 0 for
each D[i,i] . You can assume all distances are in
integers over some predefined range
[0..MAX_DISTANCE] and the number of cities, n, is
limited to a maximum value MAX_NODES.
- Code in future work will be tested on values of
n not much above single digits but code will be
designed to be as efficient as possible, so that
it can scale to large input graphs.
- Not all cities need to have a direct path
between them. In this case you can assume there is
no edge connecting them. In the input graph you
can assume a value for D[i,j] = 1 if
there is no edge directly connecting cities/nodes
i and j.
- For all pairs of cities with direct paths, or
edges between them, then your distance matrix must
contain a valid value. You can assume MAX_DISTANCE
is set to 255.
- For each node in G, you should consider it the
starting point of all possible paths to all other
nodes. You should create a separate process (n in
total) for each starting node and compute all
paths from that starting point to all other nodes
and back again to the starting point.
- The output of tsp_p is a list of paths
along with overall distance
- A path is defined as an ordered sequence of
nodes, from a starting point S visiting all other
nodes exactly once and then returning back to
- The paths should be output along with their
distances to stdout.
The Big Picture of the Multi-process, Traveling
Salesman Problem:
- The first step is for the parent process to the
input graph from stdin, and perform appropriate
error checks, to verify its correctness.
- The parent process then creates a shared memory
segment which is big enough for communications
between parent and child processes. Using the
"fork" syscall, the parent creates n child
- A child process uses one of the exec functions
to map a program file called "find_paths" into its
address space.
- The "find_paths" program will take a starting
node, S, in the input graph and calculate the
distances of all possible paths from that node to
all other nodes and back again to S. Aside from S,
all other nodes along a valid path should only be
visited once.
- The parent process waits until all of the child
processes have finished, and then outputs the
resultant set of paths and their distances
- Each child will send back its paths to the
parent via shared memory. You need to establish
sufficiently large shared memory between each
child and the parent. This memory region does not
need to be big enough to store all paths but could
instead form a communication channel to exchange
paths as they are produced.
- Note that each process has a unique starting
point. Since there are n possible nodes (or cities
in the input graph) then each of the n child
processes has a different one of these nodes as
its starting point.
Traveling Salesman, Multi-threaded Version:
Problem: The problem to be addressed is the same
as in "tsp_p", except you will use multiple
threads to calculate paths through a graph instead
of separate child processes. Your multithreaded
program should be called "tsp_t".
The Big Picture of the Multi-threaded traveling
salesman version:
- The first step is for "tsp_t" to read an input
graph as before, from stdin, and perform
appropriate error checks, to verify its
- Once the "tsp_t" program has read the input
graph, it will create a series of threads to help
solve the Travelling Salesman Problem.
- To create threads, you cannot use any supporting
libraries for thread creation. Instead, you must
write a function called my_thr_create(), as
follows: void my_thr_create(void (*func) (int),
int thr_id);
- The first argument is a pointer to a function for
the thread to execute, while the second argument
is a unique integer thread ID that you create for
each new thread. NOTE: To establish the concept of
a thread, you will either need to establish a
"ucontext_t" for each thread having a given ID, so
that you can use setcontext/swapcontext to
save/restore each thread's state, or you can use
(sig)setjmp/(sig)longjmp/sigaltstack to implement
the functionality of the context handling
- A solution that avoids the use of
set/swapcontext/etc functions is considered a
better solution.
- Since the main thread and all subthreads share
the process memory space, there is no need to use
separate shared memory to store all discovered
- When all subthreads have finished their
"find_paths" operations, the main thread will then
output the resultant set of paths to stdout.
- Hints For Future Work: To create your threads
you will need to understand how context control
works. This is documented in the GNU document on
System V contexts.
- A more portable approach to implementing
threads, that requires only setjmp/longjmp,
sigaltstack and signal handling is considered a
better solution.