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Embedded Systems Projects With An TI Cortex M Arm Based Microcontroller Board, online course from University of Texas at Austin and EdX

Link to embedded systems class files

Each lab completed first in simulation and then on the real "Launch" board, using the Keil tools.

Topics (More Details Follow Topic List) of Labs to Review Embedded Systems while not working, the area I had worked in for 18 years.

ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) and Data Acquisition Project Labs

ADC Software Trigger Example:This class example demonstrated the 4 steps of analog to digital conversion:

ADC Software Trigger 4 Steps (Analog to Digital):

Link to embedded systems class files for the Software Trigger 4 step lab for Analog to Digital Conversion

Successive Approximation - Microcontroller's best method for designing ADC

Wall follower ADC class example:

Link to embedded systems Robot Wall Follower Example Lab Files








"|-ROBOT------|--->direction of motion and third sensor"








Potentiometer transducer--Distance Meter--Measurement of Distance: 7 objectives of lab:

Link to embedded systems Potentiometer Transducer Distance Measure Lab Files

What we Learned from This Lab Project

How We Used Potentiometer, Resistance and the microcontroller SysTick interrupt to convert analog sample to distance:

DAC (Digital to Analog Conversion and Sound)--an R2R DAC 3-bit desgin example:

In this class example, we created a sine wave analog output from digital inputs using an R2R 3bit design for the Digital to Analog (DAC) conversion.

Link to embedded systems Lab Files, and R2R Digital to Analog Conversion and Sound, a 3 bit design example

Digital Piano Example using Digital to Analog (DAC):

The 3 objectives were to:

The lab created a 4 note output digital piano. The DAC is 4 bits, but the example we did in class was 3 bits.

Interrupts: Softsound Example

This class example used the SysTick timer to request interrupts at 500Hz. It helped prepare us to do the tuning fork example at 440 Hz.

Link to embedded systems class Files, Softsound Example

Tuning Fork Example with interrupts:

The square wave sound is 440 Hz, a standard frequency made by a tuning fork. A positive logic switch was the input, and headphones were used as an output. A resistor placed in series with the output to the headphone speaker controls the loudness (larger resistor, quieter sound, but never go off).

Link to embedded systems lab files, Tuning Fork Lab

Pulse Width Modulation:

Link to embedded systems class example files, using Sys Tick Interrupts to implement software Pulse Width Modulated output (PWM) to drive a DC Motor at a given duty cycle

Edge Interrupts Example:

This class example demonstrated how to use the microcontroller board builtin switch button to create a falling edge interrupt.

Link to embedded systems class example files, on Edge Interrupts

Periodic SysTick Interrupts: This class example used the SysTick timer to request interrupts at a particular period.

Link to embedded systems class example files, on Periodic Sys Tick Interrupts

Phase Lock Loops (PLL): A software function to change the bus frequency using the PLL:

Link to embedded systems Lab Files, Phase Lock Loop (PLL)

SysTick Timers and their accuracy:

Link to embedded systems class example files on Sys Tick Timers

Finite State Machines (Mealy and Moore):