Git and GitHub and Introductory Ruby on Rails:
to Files from a Git and Git Hub Course
Git and Git Hub is presented first, followed by an
introduction to Ruby on Rails.
Topics From Git and Git Hub:
- Effective use of version control is an important and
useful skill for any developer working on long-lived
(or even medium-lived) projects, especially if more than
one developer is involved.
- This course that I took was built with input from
GitHub, and covers the basics of using version control by
focusing on a particular version control system called Git
and a collaboration platform called GitHub.
- Git is used by many tech companies and universities too,
and a public GitHub profile serves as a great portfolio
for any developer.
- You establish an efficient programming workflow that
allows you to:
- Keep track of multiple versions of a file
- Track bugs by reverting to previous working versions
of a file
- Seamlessly collaborate with other developers on a
- The use of tools like Git and GitHub is essential
for collaborating with other developers.
- Navigating a Commit History:We learned
about a few different types of version control systems and
discovered what makes Git a great version control system
for programmers.
- We also got practice using Git to view the
history of an existing project. We saw all the
versions that had been saved, checked out a previous
version, and compared two different versions.
- Creating and Modifying a Repository: We
learned how to create a repository and save versions of
our projects. We learned about the staging area,
committing our code, branching, and merging.
- Using GitHub to Collaborate: We
practiced using GitHub or other remote repositories to
share our changes with others and collaborate on
multi-developer projects. We learned how to make and
review a pull request on GitHub.
- At the end, we practiced by collaborating with
other students to write a create-your-own-adventure
story. Project: Contributed to a Live Project:
We published a repository containing our reflections from
the course and submitted a pull request to a collaborative
Create-Your-Own-Adventure story.
Ruby on Rails Software as a Service Web
Applications (Introduction)
to Files from Ruby on Rails Introductory Course
- Fundamentals of software engineering using Agile
techniques to develop Software as a Service using Ruby on
- This course taught the fundamentals for engineering long
lasting software using highly productive Agile techniques
to develop Software as a Service (SaaS) using Ruby on
- We learned to understand the new challenges and
opportunities of SaaS versus shrink wrapped
- We learned to understand and apply fundamental
programming techniques to the design, development,
testing, and public cloud deployment of a simple SaaS
- We used best-of-breed tools that supported modern
development techniques including behavior driven design,
user stories, test-driven development, velocity, and pair
- We learned how modern programming language features like
metaprogramming and reflection can improve productivity
and code maintainability.
- REST methods for applications was covered, along with
HTML and CSS formatting of web page and database
- Ruby Calisthenics (exercises to learn this
scripting language):
to Files from Ruby Calisthenics described below
- Palindromes and Word Count functions in
- Rock, Paper, Scissors game in Ruby.
- Anagrams in Ruby.
- Basic object-oriented programming (OOP). We made a
dessert class with getters and setters for name and
calories. We also defined the healthy? and delicious?
methods. We made a class JellyBean that inherited
from Dessert class, but redefined the delicious?
method of Dessert to say that black licorice was not
- Advanced OOP, metaprogramming, open classes, and
duck typing. We created a method
attr_accessor_with_history that tracks every value the
attribute has ever seen.
- Advanced OOP, metaprogramming, open classes, and
duck typing. It was a currency converter. We also
rewrote the palindrome Ruby function done in problem
one as a method within the foo class.
- The last part adapted the palindrome method to work
with enumerables. It dealt with Ruby iterators, blocks
and yield by having us write a Cartesion Product
example. The constructor accepts 2 list sequences. We
defined the each instance method of CartesianProduct,
which yields the cartesion product of the 2 sequences
used in the class constructor. The iterator each should
yield the values one at a time as 2 elements
- Introduction to Rails, the Ruby Framework for
Web Applications:
- Link
to Homework 2 Files that modified the Rotton Potatoes app to do
the following described steps (all the way to the next
- We added some movies to the database, and deployed
the "RottenPotatoes" application (a play on the "Rotten Tomatoes"
movie and TV reviews web site) that displays the "list
of movies" in a web browser. We put our files on a
public Heroku web site that allowed us to deploy our
browser client files there. The server was written
by the people that rant the class and could be run on
your local machine for debug purposes.
- Our next task was on the RottenPotatoes “All Movies”
page. We had to make the column headings for “Movie
Title” and “Release Date” for a movie to be clickable
links. Clicking one of them should cause the list to
be reloaded but sorted in ascending order on that
column. When the listing page is redisplayed with
"sorting on a column" enabled, the column header that
was selected for sorting should appear with a yellow
background. We did this by setting controller
variables that are used to conditionally set the CSS
class of the appropriate table heading to “hilite”,
and pasting a simple CSS snippet given to us into
- The current RottenPotatoes views use the
Rails-provided “resourceful routes” helper
“movies_path” to generate the correct URI for the
movies index page. Passing this helper
method a hash of additional parameters, those
parameters will be parsed by Rails and become
available in the "params[]" hash. Next, functionality
was added within RottenPotatoes that allowed the user
to filter movies by MPAA rating such as "['G', 'PG',
'PG-13', 'R']". The filter was controlled by check
boxes at the top of “All Movies” listing. When the
“Refresh” button was pressed, the list of movies is
redisplayed showing only movies whose ratings were
- Next we remembered the settings. If the user
selected any combination of column sorting and
"restrict by rating constraints", and then the user
clicks to see the details of one of the movies, when
she clicks “Back to the movie list” on detail page,
the movie listing should “remember” the user's sorting
and filtering settings from before. “remembering” is
done using the session hash.
- Link
to Files that were used for Homework 3 as described
below in the Behavior Driven Design (BDD) homework.
- Behavior Driven Design: We created
user stories to describe a feature of a Saas
application using the Cucumber tool to turn user
stories into executable tests. The tests ran
against the Saas app. We wrote Cucumber scenarios
that test "the happy paths" of the previous
Introduction to Rails assignment described above. We
used "declarative scenario steps" for adding movies.
The goal of Behavior Driven Design (BDD) is to express
behavioral tasks rather than low level operations.
The background step of the scenarios in this homework
required that the movies database contain movies. It
is not the goal of BDD to do this by writing scenarios
that spell out every interaction required to add a
movie, since adding new movies is not the scenario
test goal. The given steps of a user story specify
the initial state of the system. It does not matter
how the system got into that state. For Part 1 of
this assignment, we created a step definition that
matched the step "Given the following movies exist" in
the background section of
We then added our code to the movie_steps.rb step
definition file. In the Active Record, we added
movies to the database, since creating new movies is
not what the scenario is testing. Success was defined
when all Background steps for the scenarios in
filter_movie_list.feature and movie_list.feature were
passing (green). For Part 2 of this assignment, we
added "Happy Paths" to filter movies, restrict the
movies with "PG" and "R" ratings in the
filter_movie_list.feature. It allowed us to use
existing steps in the web_steps.rb to check and
uncheck the appropriate boxes, submit the form, and
check whether the correct movies appear, ignoring the
case where the movie has no ratings. Part 3 of this
assignment was to add "Happy Paths" by sorting movies
by title and release date. Scenarios in
sort_movie_list.feature involve sorting, so we needed
the ability to have steps that test whether one movie
appears before another in the output listing. We had
to create a step definition that matched a step such
as that.
- The last topic covered in this course was Test Driven
Development (TDD). Test-driven development (TDD) is a
software development process that relies on the
repetition of a very short development cycle:
requirements are turned into very specific test cases,
then the software is improved to pass the new tests,
only. I did no assignment for this section.
- There was a part 2 to this class that I never had
the chance to take, which is why currently I'm doing a
tutorial on Code Academy that fills in the gaps missed in part
2 of this course (and more, the full stack). The part 2
course created more sophisticated apps by adding relationships
between models in apps and by enhancing their apps with
JavaScript. You also learn about what happens after the apps
are deployed to real users, including how to monitor
performance, identify and fix common performance problems, and
avoid compromising customer data. They taught how to apply Agile
techniques to enhance and refactor legacy code, a critical
skill for professional programmers. Other topics covered in
part 2 of this course include: How to form, organize and
manage small programming teams, Introduction to design
patterns: what they are and how to recognize opportunities to
apply them, Using Rails for more advanced features like
third-party authentication and elegantly expressing design
patterns that arise frequently in SaaS.
- Topics covered in the current Code Academy Full
Stack tutorial that I'm currently working on to fill in the gaps
missed from part 2 of this Ruby on Rails course, plus
a bit more are:
- HTML and CSS (building a portfolio web site that
is now on my resume)
- Sass (in future)
- Javascript (in future)
- jQuery (in future)
- AngularJS1.X (in future)
- Command Line (in future)
- Ruby on Rails (in future, further depth)
- Ruby on Rails Authentication (in
- Git (in future, further depth)