Python Project: Multi Agents Added To Pacman, Including Ghosts, and
Using Minimax Search Design (and below this, compared
to the Expectimax Search with a better evaluation function):
- We designed agents for the classic version of the
Pacman game which was provided to us, including
- We implemented minimax search first (and later
expectimax search) and tried out evaluation function
- We designed a Reflex Pacman Agent that had to consider
both food locations and ghost locations in order to
perform well.
- We found that this agent would likely die if 2 ghosts
were on the default board, unless the evaluation
function was quite good.
- We altered the distance to food by using reciprocal
values to try a new feature.
- The evaluation function evaluates state of the game
with an action for that game state as a pair, so that in
later parts of the project, you could evaluate
- Default ghosts were random, but you could also use
directional ghosts, and to determine whether our agent
was improving, we ran with fixed random seeds (same
random choices every game).
- We then wrote an adversarial agent for Pacman in the
Minimax Agent class and it had to work with any number
of ghosts, with multiple min layers, one for each ghost,
for every max layer.
- We were given an evaluation function which scored the
leaves of the minimax tree.
- A single search play was considered to be one Pacman
move and all the ghosts' responses, so depth 2 search
will involve Pacman and each ghost moving 2
- The solution was to explore the correct number of game
states, to know whether or not you did your
implementation correctly.
- The evaluation function was given to us and checked
that we were evaluating game states rather than actions,
as we were for the reflex agent, who evaluated both food
and ghost locations to perform well.
- Look ahead agents evaluate future states where as
reflex agents evaluate actions from the current
Python Project: Multi Agents Added To Pacman, Including Ghosts, and
Using Expectimax Search Design with better evaluation functions:
- Playing On Large Pacman boards: Pacman was good at not
dying but quite bad at winning.
- He thrashed around and when next to a dot, would not
eat it because he did not know where he'd go after
eating the dot.
- If Pacman thought his death was unavoidable, he tried
to end the game ASAP, because of the constant penalty
for living, and with random ghosts not always the best
choice, but Minimax agents always assume the
- Alpha-Beta pruning agent: to more
efficiently explore the minimax tree.
- Alpha-Beta Agent's minimax values: were identical
to the Minimax Agent minimax values, although the
actions it selects can vary because of different
tie breaking behavior.
- The code worked if: the correct number of game states
were explored and it was important that we performed
alpha beta tree pruning without reordering a node's
- Successor states had to be processed in the correct
- Alpha-Beta pruning was not done on
all of a node's children, so an equal amount of
alpha-beta pruning was not done for each game state
- Expectimax Agent: useful for modeling
probabilistic behavior of agents who may make suboptimal
- Random ghosts are not optimal minimax
- Expectimax Agents: no longer take the
minimum over all ghost actions, but the expectation is
according to your agent's model of how the ghosts
- To simplify: we assumed we would be
running against an adversary which chose amongst their
legal action list uniformly at random.
- We Noticed: a more cavalier approach
in close quarters with ghosts. If Pacman perceives that
he could be trapped but might escape to grab a few more
pieces of food, he'll at least try.
- A better evaluation function: it
evaluated future states, rather than actions from the
current state, as the reflex agent did.
- Evaluation function features: based
on how important you think it is, such as distance to
food, locations of ghosts, etc.