Python Class Examples: Optimization Problems and
Dynamic Programming: Multiple Examples in Links Below and
Some Descriptions Follow
to Python Class Example: Optimization Problems and Dynamic
Programming: Fitting Data to Linear Curve, Cubic Curve,
and Quadratic Curve, Plots, Getting Trajectories, Height
Distributions, Meausred Verses Predicted, and Means.
to Python Class Example: Samples, Coin Flip Experiment,
Variance and Standard Deviation, Histograms
to Python Class Example: Die Rolls, Pascal, Standard
Deviation, Trials, Pylab Plots, Normal Distributions,
to Python Class Example: Random Walk Simulations, Field
Location, Drunk Classes Test, Mean and Max and Number of
Steps to reach destination, Drunken Walk Plots
to Python Class Example: Random Choice Simulations,
Standard Deviations and Throwing Needles Example,
Estimation of Pi Example, Integration, Double Integration
and Display
to Python Class Example: Knapsack Item Stealing Algorithm
Problem, The Greedy Algorithm, Weight Metric, Power Sets,
and Choose Best verses Random and Time
to Python Class Example: The memoize python function that
works like a hardware cache for immutable arguments and
examples of cost mistmatch or gaps in text format
- DFS and BFS and optimization were used for graph
searches of related objects.
- Optimization problems
- Dynamic programming
- Fitting data to linear and quadratic curves
- Normal distributions
- Measuring goodness of fit of data to a curve
- Uniform distributions
- Estimating Pi
- Monty Hall Problems
- Number of samples needed for a coin flip
- Variance and standard deviation
- Plotted histograms
- Causal and predictive nondeterminism
- Stochastic processes
- Monte Carlo Simulations
- Hash Tables
- Random walks and simulation models
- Examined different algorithms for searching and
sorting and their Big O Notation performances.
Optimization Problems:
- This lecture example Python code demonstrated code
- You start with an objective function and a set of
constraints the solution must satisfy.
- Examples were the n-queens problem, where you place
n-queens on an NxN board so that no 2 queens attack each
other (no 2 queens share the same row, column or
- Other examples were bin packing, cutting stock and
min cut networks and the traveling salesmen
- The challenge shown was that these problems are "hard"
to solve.
- Often finding optimal solutions requires examining all
possible combinations of items.
- The time to examine all combinations grows
exponentially with the number of items.
- "Real World" problems have a large number of
- The next set of examples were the burglar's dilemma,
0/1 knapsack problem, and greedy algorithms.
- Which metric works best? Max. value, min. weight or
max-value / weight.
- Greedy Algorithm is a heuristic for a 0/1 knapsack
- Given materials of different value/weight ratios, find
the most valuable combination of materials which fit in
a knapsack of fixed capacity W.
- Greedy algorithm with max value/weight metric finds
optimal solution for continuous knapsack
- Optimal solution for 0/1 knapsack problem: formal
problem statement: Given vectors of weight wi, and
values vi, where "0 <= i <= N-1" items; knapsack holds
- Find 0/1 vector ti. Technique exhaustive search
enumerates all possible combinations of items and choose
the best one that satisfies all constraints.
- Generate the power set combinations of all
- Greedy was "O(N log N)" and Optimal was "O(N
Dynamic Programming
- The dynamic programming using optimal substructure and
overlapping subproblems.
- In the Fibonacci example the memoize function was used
to demonstrate using function arguments as a sequence,
which works for immutable and hashable
- The memoize function remembers previously computed
answers, much like a cache does in hardware.
- It showed knapsack subproblems where you try different
ways to optimize a long search, such as to not take the
first item in the knapsack, then take the 1st item in
the knapsack, combine the 2 solutions and see if there
are overlaps.
- Code examples (above links) applied these
optimizations to find where to place line breaks in a
paragraph to minimize "badness".
- The line break subproblems first tried a solution with
no line breaks after 1st word, then another with a line
break after 1st word, and combined the solutions to find
- Another code example demonstrated the minimum cost of
alignment between 2 sequences.