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Python Class Examples: Optimization Problems and Dynamic Programming: Multiple Examples in Links Below and Some Descriptions Follow

Links to Python Class Example: Optimization Problems and Dynamic Programming: Fitting Data to Linear Curve, Cubic Curve, and Quadratic Curve, Plots, Getting Trajectories, Height Distributions, Meausred Verses Predicted, and Means.

Links to Python Class Example: Samples, Coin Flip Experiment, Variance and Standard Deviation, Histograms

Links to Python Class Example: Die Rolls, Pascal, Standard Deviation, Trials, Pylab Plots, Normal Distributions, Simulations

Links to Python Class Example: Random Walk Simulations, Field Location, Drunk Classes Test, Mean and Max and Number of Steps to reach destination, Drunken Walk Plots

Links to Python Class Example: Random Choice Simulations, Standard Deviations and Throwing Needles Example, Estimation of Pi Example, Integration, Double Integration and Display

Links to Python Class Example: Knapsack Item Stealing Algorithm Problem, The Greedy Algorithm, Weight Metric, Power Sets, and Choose Best verses Random and Time

Links to Python Class Example: The memoize python function that works like a hardware cache for immutable arguments and examples of cost mistmatch or gaps in text format

Optimization Problems:

Dynamic Programming