Python Class Example: Breadth First Search Search, Depth First Search: Exercises in tree data
search efficiency and optimization in Python
Python Class Example that follows the above
example is provided in the same code link below: Puzzles
with BFS and DFS, Max Clique Subgraphs and Power Sets:
Exercises in tree data search efficiency and optimization in
to Python Class Example: Breadth First Search Search,
Depth First Search, Puzzles, Max Clique Subgraphs, Tree
and Graph Algorithms, and Power Sets : Exercises in tree
data search efficiency and optmization in Python. We
explored graphs to find paths that represent physical
networks. They are used for communication networks,
circuits, genes, social networks, disease populations,
- Comparing the Breadth First Search, Depth First
Search, in a class example
- Some rules to set up the example and terminology that follows.
- A graph: set of nodes connected by edges.
- Edges: unidirectional if directed, or a digraph.
- If weight or cost added to an edge, then it is a
weighted graph.
- Graph optimizations: shortest path (SP): shortest set
of edges from node A to B
- Shortest weighted path: same as SP but with a minimum
function on weights of edges
- in sequence cliques - set of nodes such that there is
a path with maximum length in graph between each pair of
nodes in set
- Minimum Cut: 2 sets of nodes, a cut is a set of edges
whose removal eliminates all paths from every node in
one set to each node in the other. The minimum cut is
the smallest set of cuts.
- DFS (Depth First Search) starts at root and if not
goal node, you extend the current path by adding each
child of current node to path, unless already in
- New paths added to set of paths at front (a stack -
last in, first out).
- Select next path: recursively repeat. If no children,
go to next node, and stop when goal node is reached or
there are no more paths.
- SP: track best path found so far: when you find a new
path, keep going if path still shorter than
- BFS (Breadth First First): do not go down first branch
of existing tree. Instead, examine all children of
current node first before going deeper in tree.
- BFS, no weights, stop when you find solution,
guaranteed SP.
- BFS starts at root node, and if not goal, extends
current path unless child already in path.
- Add new paths to potential set of paths: put at end of
set (uses a queue - First In, First Out, push to end,
pop at front).
- Select next path and recursively repeat. If no
children, go to next, and stop at goal node or when no
more paths.
- Things we observed from this example:
- Weighted graphs: DFS can sum weights rather than just
check length of path.
- BFS: 1st found solution may not be best.
Python Class Example: Puzzles with BFS and DFS, Max
Clique Subgraphs and Power Sets: Exercises in tree data
search efficiency and optimization in Python
- We explored graphs to find paths that represent
physical networks.
- We used graphs to search and explore changes to the
state of a physical system, with nodes representing states
of the system, edges the actions that cause the change of
state, and found a sequence of actions to convert the
system to the desired state.
- We did an 8-puzzle example and kept track of legal
shifts in a dictionary (graph edges), and the puzzle
used BFS and DFS, checking for loops. BFS was quicker
for this, with DFS taking a long time and running out of
- We then explored Max Cliques: making subgraphs, such
as all people connected to each other in social network,
infected populations that had contact, and you make
collections of cliques.
- They are used for communication networks, circuits,
genes, social networks, disease populations,
- The max clique can use brute force for small problems,
and find all subgraphs, test if complete (all connected),
keep track of largest clique, and extend to recursively
find other large cliques by removing nodes of largest
cliques and repeating.
- The last example was a power set, the set of all
- To find cliques, generate power sets, all subgraphs,
test if all connected and complete, and keep track of
largest found.