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Python Class Example: Breadth First Search Search, Depth First Search: Exercises in tree data search efficiency and optimization in Python

Python Class Example that follows the above example is provided in the same code link below: Puzzles with BFS and DFS, Max Clique Subgraphs and Power Sets: Exercises in tree data search efficiency and optimization in Python

Links to Python Class Example: Breadth First Search Search, Depth First Search, Puzzles, Max Clique Subgraphs, Tree and Graph Algorithms, and Power Sets : Exercises in tree data search efficiency and optmization in Python. We explored graphs to find paths that represent physical networks. They are used for communication networks, circuits, genes, social networks, disease populations, etc.

Python Class Example: Puzzles with BFS and DFS, Max Clique Subgraphs and Power Sets: Exercises in tree data search efficiency and optimization in Python