Python Project: Stochastic
Simulation of Patient Virus Population Dynamics And
Treatment Regimens: Effect of Delaying Drugs, Using 2
Drugs, and Patient non-compliance
to Python Project: Stochastic Simulation of Patient
Virus Population Dynamics: Effect of Delaying Drug
Treatment on Patient Disease, Using 2 Drugs, and Patient
- Stochastic Simulation of Patient Virus Population
Dynamics: Effect of Delaying Drug Treatment on Patient
Disease, Using 2 Drugs, Patient non-Compliance
- We used the classes implemented in the previous
similar problem set in this project list (ResistantVirus,
- In this problem set, we examined the effect of
delaying treatment on the ability of the drug to
eradicate the virus population.
- We needed multiple simulations to observe trends in
the distributions of patient outcomes.
- In the last part of the previous similar problem set,
we ran a simulation that consisted of 150 time steps
before adding drug guttagonol, followed by another 150
time steps.
- Here we run the same simulation but this time for 300,
150, 75 and 0 time steps before adding guttagonol to the
patient, and then ran another 150 time steps.
- We used the same init params as problem set 8 (refer
to that description).
- For each case, we repeated the experiment for enough
trials to gain reasonable insight into the expected
- Rather than averaging the final virus population
across different trials as in the previous problem set,
we used pylab's hist() function to plot a histogram of
the final virus populations under each case for each
- The x-axis of the histogram was the final virus
population values, and the y-axis the number of trials
belonging to each histogram bin.
- We had to justify the number of trials we ran for each
case in order to obtain a reasonable
- We filled in the function simulationDelayedTreatment
(numTrials) to perform this simulation. With a delay of
300 and 150 cases, "0-5%" were cured, for 75, "6-15%",
for 0, "86-100%", so the earlier the drug was applied
the more likely for this virus it was to be
- We then examined these same things with 2 drugs and
found it cured the patient more quickly when
administered early for this virus.
- We also discussed how to model a patient that refuses
to take medication. You make a TreatedPatient class
that stochastically does not take its medication, and
ir predicted less patients would be cured.