Python Project: Solution Search applied to Pacman
- We implemented breadth first search (BFS) using a FIFO data
structure to explore graph paths, depth first search (DFS)
using a stack data structure for exploring graph paths,
uniform cost search and a star search, using priority
queues to explore graph paths and had to compare the
- We ran the algorithms on different sized mazes for
Pacman to explore and made cost comparisons.
- With a varying cost function, Pacman may choose
different paths.
- We explored charging more for for more dangerous steps
in a ghost-ridden environment and charging less in
food rich areas.
- A rational Pacman agent would adjust his behavior in
response to the cost comparison of the path
- Each search algorithm is similar except in how they
manage the fringe of path exploration (data structures
mentioned above).
- BFS expands outward in every direction, but is
not sensitive to exploration cost.
- Uniform Cost Search is similar to BFS except that it
gets farther in the lower cost area than BFS in getting
to the goal node.
- It is not as good as A-star search, because it
explores every direction and has no information about
the goal.
- It starts at the top and works systematically down,
finding the cheapest path in terms of cost.
- DFS goes to the highest depth before going further in
the search.
- We did not do greedy search, but that goes straight to
the solution node and is not optimal, since it goes
through high cost areas to get to the goal.
- A-star hedges its bets, explores a bit in the wrong
direction, just to be sure because the heuristic it uses
is imperfect, but it does a very small amount of work,
not much worse than greedy, and it is optimal.
- A-star uses backward costs and estimates of forward
costs. It is optimal with admissible and
consistent heuristics. Heuristic design is the
key to it, and sometimes it makes sense to use a relaxed
problem, and is what to use in practice.